Dog Grooming
All our groomers are fully trained and qualified, and will groom your dog to your specifications! With decades of experience, we are knowledgeable of all breeds with AKC styling.
Please allow 2–4 hours depending on your dog’s grooming services.
Our prices include:
- Bath
- Conditioner
- Nails
- Ears
- Brush
- Trim

Dog Grooming Rates 
We service all breeds of dogs—below are just some of the breeds we service. Please understand that prices are base starting prices and are subject to change due to the matting or behavior of your pet.
Starting Prices:
- Australian Shepherds $65+
Beagles $55+
Bichons $55+
Border Collies $65+
Boston Terriers $50+
Cocker Spaniels $55+
Daschunds $55+
Mini Doodles $55+
Large Doodles $75+
German Shepherds $65+
Goldens $65+
Havanese $55+
Huskies $65+
Italian Greyhounds $55+
Japanese Chins $55+
Labs $50+
Lhasa Apso $50+
Maltese $55+
Pomeranians $55+
Standard Poodles $65+
Toy Poodles $55+
Pugs $55+
Schnauzers $55+
Scotties $55+
Shelties $55+
Shitzus $55+
Westies $55+
Yorkies $55+
*Any large breed over 90 lbs. $65 and up
All grooming rates subject to change upon condition of pet.
Separate Pet Services
Teeth Brushing $10
Teeth Scraping $5 per tooth
Nail Cut $12.00
Combo Cut & Dremel $25.00
Anal Gland Expression $10 with groom service
Anal Gland Expression $15 walk-in service
Toenail Paw-lish $10
Silk Spa Conditioner $10
Blueberry Facial $10
Goat Milk Bath $10
Degreaser Bath $10
Paws / Pad Treatment $10
Medicated Bath $15
Flea & Tick Treatment $20
Skunk Shampoo $30 and up
We also offer Wound Care Consultations.
Dog Grooming
Loyalty Program
Every third grooming visit, you will receive a discount off your dog's grooming!
$10.00 off large breeds